Sunday, December 23, 2012

The 12 days of...?

Here we are, about 2 days away from Christmas, and I can't seem to get in the spirit. I mean, I know Christmas is coming up, but it doesn't feel like it...

Anyways, I'm back for a time, here to share whatever the hell happens to be on my mind at the time. Which would be how well the past weeks have gone for me.

Let's start with Friday. Basically, the same as Thursday, except school got out earlier, and I didn't go anywhere fun. Saturday, we (my family) had a bunch of guests over, who got to see me as I truly am, and didn't make a big deal of it. Monday, nothing happened. Tuesday evening, a friend and I went to one of her friends' friends house to watch The Fellowship of the Ring, directors cut, in preparation for watching The Hobbit. And on Wednesday, that same friend, and a few of her friends (along with some of my family) went to see The Hobbit in theaters (which was freaking awesome!). Thursday was my first day of winter break, and Friday the world didn't end after all.

Moral of the story: the people that I know don't care that I'm trans. And I have a social life now (I had NO life outside of school before coming out).

On an unrelated note... I hate it when people assume that being LGBT is a choice. "Why did you choose to be gay?" Nobody chooses to live a difficult life, the same as people don't choose what skin color they are born with. What's worse, though, is when people find out you're trans, and think it's okay to ask some of the most inappropriate questions imaginable, like, "Have you gotten 'the surgery'?" "How do you have sex?" (to name a few). People think that, just because you're trans, it's okay to ask these questions. If you think about it, it's like walking up to some stranger and asking if they've ever had plastic surgery, or had a kidney transplant, or something like that - it's downright rude.

I would say something else, but, frankly, I can't think right now. So.. Until next time, I guess!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's official!

A lot has happened this week.

Tuesday was my last day presenting as a guy.

My classmates were notified that I would be attending school as Jennifer from now on. My mom and I went to a hairdresser, who we've known for years, and she did my hair (highlights and a slight trimming - it turned out great!), then we (both my parents and myself) went to Auburn and got my name legally changed.  My  mom and I then went shopping at Fred Meyers and Plato's Closet, where I got a bunch of bras, flannel shirts, a few pairs of nice jeans, and a good fleece jacket. We later went and saw the high school winter choir concert, where I was greeted rather warmly by those that know me.

Today (Thursday):
I went to school and (the best part) experienced no harassment. None. Basically, not a single f*** was given today. Sure, there were a few slip-ups with name and pronouns, but that's to be expected. After school, some friends and I went to get my eyebrows done (they look great!), then went to the South Hill mall for a little shopping (didn't get much for myself - just two v-necks), and then came back home.

This was all a LOT more exciting than I make it sound, and trust me, I could have made it sound pretty darn exciting. But, frankly, I'm too tired to do so. It's been a long, exciting, and exhausting few days, and I have school tomorrow. So you will just have to deal with this summary. And you will be happy with it.