For starters, let's talk about the election. Obama won, 1-502 was passed in Washington state, and so was R-74 (legalization of marijuana and same-sex marriage), which in itself is an outstanding accomplishment. Though I don't know why marriage is something that can be voted on, and was such a hot topic in this years election. I am proud that this state has achieved this, I am not too happy as to the methods. As for the election of Obama.... Well, I don't have any complaints, but no matter who would have won from the two main parties (Obama or Romney), this country would have been pretty bad off. Obama hasn't been the absolute best President that he could have been, and I doubt he will do much better this term, and I believe Romney couldn't have done any better than his opponent. As for the legalization of marijuana... Congrats Washington, we are basically the first (besides Colorado) to do so in this country. Now adults 21 and older can smoke weed at their gay friends wedding.
Other than that, this week was kinda boring. With a few exceptions, one of which being that my school has a four day weekend, from Friday (today) to Monday. Which most everyone at school will spend playing Halo 4 or something. Wednesday was a bit fun, seeing as we watched a pretty cool movie in GSA. It was about three guys in Seattle that get superpowers. It was pretty interesting, and I wish I remembered the name of it.
Sometime earlier this week, though, was something that REALLY made my day. I was chatting with a friend on Facebook, whom I had recently met at a weekend retreat to Pilgrim Firs (best place ever), and she was kind of confused. She was wondering whether I had a brother named (insert my male name). She had seen that profile in the "people you may know" tab on Facebook, and was a tad confused.
She had known my sister for a little while, and had just met me, but had never met the other me. Even better is that, over the course of the weekend, she never suspected that I was a biological male - she just assumed a was a girl with a deep voice.
This was possibly the best thing I have heard yet. That I have the ability to pass pretty well in public, and never be mis-gendered, or assumed to be a guy. I don't know how else to describe my elation, without repeating myself. I was, and still am, VERY happy.
Otherwise, nothing special has been going on.
Congratulations! That must have felt amazing!