Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Early Birthday Gift

Well, my week was been made infinitely better, so much so that I wore a "Life is Good" shirt that I haven't worn since... Well, It's been so long that I forget when I last wore it. My life hasn't really been good for a while. For obvious reasons...


Last night, while sitting at the computer, I overheard my parents talking, and I'm pretty sure it was about me, because I kept hearing my dad using my male name, and my mom using my female name. So, there I sat, quietly clicking and typing, trying my best to eavesdrop. Well, I didn't do well. But, later, my mom came into the room I was in, and gave me some of the best news I've heard in a long time. She told me that, while my dad isn't any more accepting than he has been, and even though he doesn't agree to me taking Estrogen, he doesn't disagree to it. So, to recap, I can finally take Estrogen!!! Granted, I'm not starting until my birthday, but what a hell of a birthday present! Even better, starting on my birthday (mid-October), my parents will both start using female pronouns and my female name at home (well, my mom will, and I think my dad might try). And, to top off the birthday awesomeness, my mom is taking me bra shopping!! What a great way to spend my 16th birthday =D  I love you mom! And, dare I say it, but I love my dad too!

Life is finally Good :)

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