To start with, why is everyone concerned about gay marriage? And I mean both the straight community and the LGBT community. I mean, why isn't it already legal?... And there I go. I hate how everyone keeps saying to legalize gay marriage. How can you legalize it if it isn't illegal? I mean, is it illegal anywhere in the United States of America? Why should the government decide who can marry and how, huh? Besides, why does everyone else (most straight people) care who marries who? Nobody made a really big deal of THEIR weddings, even IF they only lasted for less than 100 days (okay, well that kinda stuff does draw media attention, but people just overlook that as typical behavior for some people). I mean, straight people (well, the bigots, anyways) are saying that gay marriage will destroy the tradition/sanctity of marriage. Well, considering how THEY abuse heterosexual relationships and marriages, I don't think that we can do any worse than them. Besides, the US has ended a ton of "traditions", including slavery, and women lacking rights (no voting, no jobs, etc.). Seriously, America!
And why do people dislike difference? Difference is what got us to where we are, out of the stone age! I mean, why does society have to be all about conformity? Hell, EVERYONE is different, they just try to appear like what society tells us is "average" or "normal", and learn to conceal their real self. I mean, that's what almost everyone in the LGBTQQ community does for a portion of their lives, sometimes longer than others. People told Einstein he would be a failure in life, and look what happened to him? Ugh, and so many people have told me that I will do great things in my life... I don't want to let them down, but... I honestly don't really know what I'm going to do after high school, besides continue with my transition. Film school and such, and the film industry, are where I have my sights set, but I can't see the path to get there. It's like the destination is in sight, but the road is hidden, and you just have to find it. And I can't find much these days. I can't even really find the enthusiasm that I felt earlier this month, when I learned I could start hormones next month. I just can't feel that happy right now. It's... Depressing... And I don't know what the bright side of anything is any more.....
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