In past posts, I've talked briefly about my interest in filming, and most things associated with it (editing, directing, acting, writing...). Well, I have found a way to showcase my talents. Granted, it will take a lot more output of talent, and much better film making than I have ever done, but I could do pretty well. Basically, it involves making a really good film and showing it to a lot of people.
There are several film festivals coming up in this area that i plan to be a part of, one of which is very local: the Enumclaw High School Video Productions Film Festival. This is where all the good films made this school year in the video productions class get showcased to the rest of the town. Last year, in the beginners class, one of mine almost made it in. Problem was, we disrupted too many classes...
Now, I know this may seem pretty ambitious for a young transsexual who has a limited knowledge in the fine art of film making, but believe you me, I make up for lack of knowledge and experience with extreme enthusiasm.
The other film fests are hosted in Seattle, in April and May of 2013 (well, all three are in 2013). The first is the Northwest High School Film Festival, held in May, open to all high schoolers in the northwest (well, any that are in a video productions class), particularly for good films. The other is the National Film Festival for Talented Youth, held in April, to anyone who directed a film while 22 or younger (there was an entry from a 7 year old one year!). Keep in mind, these are films from all over the country, and many international films! Last year, there were over 200 films, from 30 states in the USA, and from 20 other countries! This festival is a pretty big deal for young film makers. It introduces them to other young film makers, as well as a variety of job and education opportunities, including film and acting school. Which may be my ticket out of this town.
Currently, the script that I'm working on (which is mainly a horror film) is kind of lacking. It's only about 20 minutes or so, and has almost zero character development. It does have a plot and story, but not as much as I would like.
What this film is about is, basically, an April fools joke gone horribly wrong. A group of four friends decides to explore a haunted house, only to get trapped in it. They then learn the dark secret of the house's past: it used to belong to a serial killer, who killed people in his house. As they wander through it trying to find a way out, bad things start to happen. One of the friends disappears. The rest of them call the cops, of which one of them arrives soon after. He becomes trapped in the house too, and is soon killed by the serial killer, who is supposedly dead. This freaks the rest of the group out. They try to escape the killer, but not before another of the friends is killed. Finally, the two remaining friends find a way out: through a broken wall. The problem is, the killer beat them to it. Before he even tries to kill them, they order he reveal himself. Turns out the killer was their friend in disguise, the one who went missing first. He reveals it was all an April fools joke (possibly to get back at the characters?). Except that he didn't kill the cop and the other friend, nor did they hide or whatever. The serial killer is real, and he kills the rest of the group won't show it due to the gore, I guess).
I know I need to develop it more, and I know where to start and what to do, but... I just need some quality ideas! Now, I could just wait a couple hours or whatever for inspiration (my best ideas come to me while I lie awake in bed at night), or you guys could help me out.
Speaking of helping out, I need some more ideas for films in general. So far I've got a (supernatural) love story (magic, cursed, superpowered...), and something about what it's like being Trans* (documentary, or "based on a true story"). But I could definitely use some better ideas, if not some add-ons to these ideas.
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