Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Happy Tuesday everyone! And what a day it is!

Today, I finally had my severely ingrown toenail taken care of!! What happened was that the doc took out the sides of the nail, trimmed it a bit, then put some mild acids into the base of the nail where the cut pieces used to be, to prevent them from ever growing back in, thus taking care of the possibility of future ingrown nails. Which is what happened last year; I got the nail completely removed, then, when it grew back in, it became even more ingrown. What I find so funny/cool is that the stuff they used to numb up my toe so I wouldn't feel anything made the skin bulge, looking as though the joint was swollen. The best part? It worked REALLY well; I didn't feel a thing, only some slight pressure (i.e. no pain). Well, for the time being, I just have to take some antibiotics, and soak my toe in some salted water (Epsom salts, or something) at least once a day.

Anyways, enough about today. Let's talk about yesterday and Sunday! Well, really I'm going to talk about Sunday, because NOTHING happened yesterday, both at school and at home. Granted, more and more people say that I look like a girl (and they thought I was) from behind. Actually, funny story from today, about that same thing. Walking to the school building from the bus drop-off, one of my friends was walking behind me. And he was thinking to himself that with my long hair and skinny jeans (guy skinny jeans, still), that I looked exactly like a girl. Until he noticed my jacket, which I believe I am the only one at my school that wears it. He was wondering who would be my twin (it was Twin Day of the Spirit week - you and a buddy dress up in almost the exact same stuff), until he realized that I was a guy (or so he knew). He told me about it soon after, and I almost told him that I was trans. Good thing I stopped myself, I guess.

On to Sunday!

Mostly the same old thing. Mostly. Me, mom, and sis went to our church in Federal Way (I drove!), where I got to see and talk to one of my friends who I am out to. She plans to later doll me up and make me look like a biological girl, and I've also enlisted her help in bringing to life a film (well, the script, anyways) that I have been working on, which I also brainstormed with her when I first had the idea. Afterward, all four of us (me, mom, sis, and friend) decided to go on a little shopping trip to the new Plato's Closet in Tacoma, where I had a great time! Granted, I only got, like, two outfits and a jacket, but for as cheap as they were, and as good as they were? I think it was a pretty good shopping experience. Even had some help choosing outfits, thanks to my friend, and occasionally, my mom and sis. Eventually ended up getting a nice pair of dark skinny jeans, a nice skirt, two shirts (a purple v-neck, and a loose fitting blue and white striped shirt), and a nice, soft, fuzzy, comfortable (etc.) green hoodie. Just wish we could have stayed there longer...

Ah well, that's basically how my week has gone so far. Aside from some more script writing, film editing, and generic homework, nothing much has really happened. Wonder what tomorrow will bring...

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