Today, like most Sundays, I went to church. Yeah, I know, nothing special about it. But I did something different today. I came out to the members of my church. I told them all that I am transgender, and am on my way through transition to becoming my true self. You know what happened? As I sat down, everyone started applauding me.
Granted, I expected this, considering that the church I go to is a UCC [United Church of Christ - (we're Christians)] church, which is known for it's openness and acceptance of the LGBTQ community. In fact, it's motto is "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here." I find it rather ironic that I came out to my church last, because I knew they would have been accepting of me regardless.
Some may find this confusing. How can Christians love gays? Simple: according to Jesus and God, we should love everybody for who they are. And that is exactly what we strive to do. We don't preach the Bible, hoping that others will understand it. Instead we talk about it, and why things may have happened; why they were written. We read the Bible not because we have to, but because we seek to understand it, why the passages were written, and what they were referring to. Honestly, I can't understand why God would hate someone for who they love? I mean, shouldn't He be hating more on the people (regardless of who their partner is) that cheat on their partner, lie to them, abuse them, and divorce them? Which do you think is morally right or morally wrong: two men that have loved and been with each other for 20 years, or a man and woman that met each other drunkenly one night, decide to get married, then divorce after four months? Seriously!
Personally, I don't understand it. I can't understand it. I can't understand why a person can hate someone they have never met and don't know about. I can't understand what is wrong with love. But hey, that's just me. Is there really anything wrong with being yourself?
Awww... that is amazing. I wish I could go to your church. However... this is the part of the Bible Belt that believes Republicans are right all the time, etc. I mean, just today, my friend and I ended up sitting through a politic-fueled rage about abortion, and how Democrats are evil, essentially. [Well... I did. My friend got up and left the room for the rest of the lesson, which wasn't that long. I stayed to see if any more things were said so we could discuss it on the ride back.] I get abortion and why the Bible supports being against it... but then you rant about ALL Democrats like they all eat babies and force people to get married to the same gender. -sigh- [Forgive me... it's been one of those days.] So... when she starts living full time... it's going to be fun when it comes to the church... x_x'