Friday, August 31, 2012

Class is in Session

Well, my Junior year of high school started last wednesday, and so far, so good, I guess. Considering things for me can't get too good right now....


Very uneventful first three days of school. VERY uneventful. the only real homework I had was from my AP Calculus class, and it was just a short little review. All the other classes just had you sign their sylabus. Speaking of classes... My schedule for this year (the entire year, unless I change my schedule) is as follows:

1st:  US History
2nd: Advanced Video Productions
3rd: AP Calculus
4th: German 3-4 (second year)
5th: Chemistry
6th: English 5-6 (Junior level)

And, of course, extra-curricular activities, two of which are school clubs: Video Club (gonna make an AWESOME movie this year), and GSA (Gay Straight Alliance). And, maybe, if I'm not out by spring, boys lacrosse. Or, just maybe, girl's lacrosse (I suck at it though). So, I should, by rights, be getting A's in all my classes this year. But, I doubt it. Maybe in a couple, but not all.

Although, I couldn't really complain about some of my classmates. Really, I know a bunch in all of my classes, especially German and AVP. Granted, I have only come out to, like four people in all of my classes combined... Still, by the end of this year, I garuntee everyone will know.

Basically, I am planning to, around the turn of the semester, or slightly later, write a letter to the staff, asking them to read it to their students (every teacher reading it during the same class period). This letter will explain my situation, and hopefully address anything unwanted. Of course, I will arrange to miss that day of school, and of course I can expect to come back to a LOT of questions, though hopefully no harrassment.

Well, aside from all this, and a little chest pain (starting to see the downside to breasts...), nothing has really happened that is worth bloggin about, so... Unti next post!

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