Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Driving While on Hormones

Today went relatively well, I would say. Started out by going up to Seattle to see my doc about hormones and such. Thankfully, my potassium levels are back up to normal. The only other side effects of spiro being light-headedness whenever I stand up quickly, which I don't really notice much, and the best of all the side effects: breast tissue growth. Now, I know that I am massaging every night (okay not every - I was too tired to do it last night), but I started noticing some lumps under one of my nipples sometime around late June this year. Well, lumps singular, at first. I gotta say, having it there wasn't (isn't) a particularly pleasurable experience, especially when I bump into something, or someone slaps it (I blame one of my friends for this... they know who they are), or even if I have a seat belt strap across it. Basically, getting boobs like any other girl would during puberty hurts like a bitch.

But enough about that. let's focus on something more important to any teenager: driving.

I have my permit. I can drive very well. Matter of fact, I passed five out of five drive tests from my drivers ed school. BUT I CAN'T DRIVE A STICK!!!! Which is the main reason I didn't get to drive up to and back from Seattle. Unfortunately, our only car available to drive this morning was my mom's Subaru, which has an automatic transmission. And I cannot master how much pressure I need to apply to the clutch and the accelerator as I am coming out of a stopped position and into first gear. Though I think I may have gotten it down, after listening to my parents' lectures.

One thing that I am a bit worried and excited for is when I go for my license this coming January. See, I may or may not be out and about by then, but I know that, eventually, I will have to get my gender, name, etc. changed on my license. Which can be a real hassle, considering how long the lines are at the local DOL. And, even worse, the looks I am bound to get from whoever is behind the counter. Ugh. Which reminds me of something that transpired while I was filling out the paperwork for my learners permit. When I got to the box marked "Sex: M or F". I hesitated for a second or so, which my dad must have taken to be a sign that I wanted to circle the "F". So, he said aloud "Male". I didn't think too much of it at the time, but looking back, I don't really like him much for that.

On that note, I will end this post. Mainly because I still need to do the dishes, I'm tired, in need of a shower, and I still need to massage. Good night, everyone!

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