Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Well, school is right around the corner for me (literally - it starts tomorrow!), and, seeing as I hope to come out later this year, I wanted to talk about something that will greatly help not only myself, but any other trans* girls, or drag queens, that want to pass in public. And, as you might have guessed by the title, it is tucking.

For those that don't know, tucking is when a person basically holds their penis between their legs to appear to have a flatter groin, similar to a biological woman.

Keep in mind, this next part will get kinda graphic, as I am not afraid to talk about body parts and such.

Going into greater detail, tucking involves pushing the testes, not the scrotal skin, up into the body, though it isn't so much into the body, as resting in a shallow alcove, so to speak. Basically, you will want to gently (very gently) push your testes up toward and around your penal shaft. Just above it, you should feel them pop into the shallow alcove. you will obviously want to do this with both testes, and, while doing so, I suggest holding the scrotal skin back a bit, or at least holding the testes in place. Once you have positioned both testicles, pull the loose scrotal skin back towards your buttocks. Tape is recommended, though I don't use it, because it generally involves shaving between your legs. Literally. Next, you will want to push your penis between your legs as well. If it is erect, that is a problem, though I have found that the best and quickest way to make it soft again is to none too gently flick the head of the penis. Once you can bend it again, push it between your legs. Tape is also recommended, though if you do, I suggest wrapping something like toilet paper around the shaft so that it doesn't chafe any more than it should. Lastly, you will want a pair or two of tight fitting women's underwear that does not stretch.

Should anything become un-tucked, I suggest IMMEDIATELY, or as soon as possible, readjusting it. If you go too long only partially tucked, something bad is bound to happen. Also, try not to stay tucked for too long (10-12 hours max, with breaks in between to let things breath), as that will cause constriction and eventual blood loss to the genitals.

As I said, tucking will create the illusion that you have a flat groin, like a woman's, and will help a LOT when you are out in public as your true self (or, for the drag queens, when you are, well, drag-queening, or whatever). I have yet to actually go out in public as such, but that should change in 2013.

1 comment:

  1. This does help but tight fitting garments with little "wiggle" room, i.e. a bikini, can be risky. I've been out at a foam party, in a bikini, at a LGBT club. This would be a place, though the event is inconsequential, I would really recommend to start.
